Thursday, September 3, 2009

STNED Quarterly Meeting - Tanglewood Nature Center

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday September 17th from 9:00-10:30 am

The Southern Tier Nonprofit Executive Directors Group (STNED) is a network of nonprofit executive and management professionals in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes Region of New York State that provides education, peer support and the sharing of ideas to strengthen leadership and promote the collaborative utilization of resources.

The STNED group will have its 3rd quarter meeting on Thursday September 17th from 9:00 - 10:30 am at the Tanglewood Nature Center and Museum, 443 Coleman Avenue Elmira, NY 14903. All nonprofit executive and management personnel from throughout the Southern Tier are invited to participate. There is no cost to attend and light refreshments will be provided.

Based on input from previous surveys and the 2nd quarterly meeting, the presentation and discussion at this meeting will focus on the nonprofit sector use of social media tools, presented by Sean Lukasik of Creative Agent.

1. Welcome, introduction and brief tour of the Tanglewood Nature Center
2. What is Social Media: Facebook , Twitter, Linked In…..
3. “How the heck do I even get onto Facebook/Twitter?”
4. Applications and pros/cons
5. Goals of using social media

If you plan on attending the meeting, please RSVP by September 15th by clicking on, and include your name, organization and contact information. Feel free to include any questions you may have concerning STNED or social media.

For more information about the Southern Tier Nonprofit Executive Directors group, go to and click on STNED in the left column.

We hope that you can join us for this educational and enjoyable opportunity to meet with your colleagues on the 17th.

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