Friday, August 24, 2012

Southern Tier Nonprofit Executive Directors Meeting Sept 6th: Collaborating for Nonprofit Sustainability

The Southern Tier Nonprofit Directors Group (STNED) is a network of nonprofit executive and management professionals in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes Region of New York State that provides education, peer support and the sharing of ideas to strengthen leadership and promote the collaborative utilization of resources.

Date: Thursday, September 6th
Time:  9am - 11am,
Location: AIM - 1316 College Avenue, Elmira
Register by emailing or by calling 607-776-9467 x-226

Topic: Collaborating for Nonprofit Sustainability

Many nonprofits today are looking for ways to work with others to save money, increase effectiveness and extend their reach. Whether these are formal or informal arrangements, it's important they meet the needs of all organizations involved.

Our panel of nonprofit professionals will present current national efforts on identifying multiple types of collaborations and alliances and will provide examples of how strategic collaboration has been used locally as a strategy for increasing impact and building long-term sustainability.  We will have a discussion on how, as a local community of nonprofit organizations, we can potentially leverage the talents and resources of nonprofits so they can increase their effectiveness in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
Barbara Hubbell (United Way of the Southern Tier), Dave Hill (ProAction of Steuben & Yates, Inc.), Patrick Rogers and Kevin Williams (Institute for Human Services, Inc.) will share their insight and research for what works best and how to move beyond "working together" into strategic collaboration that maximizes nonprofit impact and service delivery.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

IHS Provider Update: August 1st

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August is National Breastfeeding Month!
Did you know that breastfeeding is beneficial for children, mothers, and society as a whole? How about that when communities make a conscious effort to support breastfeeding, the health of the entire community benefits? With such widespread benefits, August has been declared National Breastfeeding Month and the Surgeon General has announced a Call for Action to support mothers in making the choice to breastfeed their children while simultaneously eliminating the barriers that exist in such a choice within our communities.  Learn More >

SRHN 2012 Health and Human Service Honorees Named
The Steuben Rural Health Network is pleased to announce the 2012 Health and Human Service Honorees. Southern Tier Hospice & Palliative Care is awarded with the Outstanding Service to Rural Health Care and Dawn Brucie, Deputy Director of Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, is recognized with the Distinguished Award in Human Services. Both Southern Tier Hospice & Palliative Care and Dawn Brucie will be presented with their respective awards and honored at this year's Steuben Rural Health Network Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at the Corning Country Club. 

Community Conversations: UWST is "Turning Outward"
The United Way of the Southern Tier has embarked on an exciting new journey and needs your help! Through a new partnership with the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, UWST is "Turning Outward" to lead group conversations with people from all walks of life in order to gain a deeper understanding of what citizens' aspirations are for the local community. Help the United Way of the Southern Tier become a more relevant and effective agent of change by hosting a community conversation - it's that easy!  Learn More >

AmeriCorps Co-Sponsored Distribution of Back-to-School Supplies
AmeriCorps Kids First Initiative, in collaboration with Catholic Charities Turning Point, will be distributing back packs and school supplies for the Fall 2012 school year to students who attend the approved school districts. Registration will take place on Friday, August 10th at Catholic Charities Turning Point from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm and distribution of the supplies will be on Friday, August 24th -just in time for the start of the 2012 school year!  Learn More >

There's still a chance to register! GOTR Kick-Off in Chemung County
Girls on the Run of the Southern Tier will be holding a second registration and information booth on Tuesday, August 7th from 2 pm - 3 pm  at Cohen Elementary School for the Fall 2012 kick-off session in Chemung County beginning on Tuesday, August 14th. Any girl, regardless of place of residence or the school she attends, is able to participate in this session. With only 10 spots still available, a reduced rate of $25 per girl, and first come first serve registration, don't miss out on this chance to sign-up!  Learn More >

Visit Provider Online to Read More... 
There are even more stories and announcements available on the Provider Online Website. They include:
Submissions: Submit news, announcements, and events to Members can post themselves through their member portal.

Save the Date - NYPATH Adolescent Health & Wellness Training
This fall, the Steuben Rural Health Network, in collaboration with the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at Columbia University and the University of Rochester Medical Center, will be offering a New York Promoting and Advancing Teen Health (NYPATH) Training for medical providers that serve adolescents. All physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who provide health care services to adolescents are invited to this training on Friday, September 28, 2012 at the Radisson Hotel Corning, which will focus on increasing clinician capacity to provide high-quality, evidence-based, and adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive healthcare services.  Learn More >

American Red Cross Training for Staff of United Way Agencies
With a generous grant from the United Way of the Southern Tier, the American Red Cross is able to offer free Adult CPR/AED and First Aid Training to staff of United Way agencies in Steuben and Chemung Counties. Through this training, participants will learn to recognize and respond to emergencies, as well as how to protect themselves while caring for others. United Way agencies with 6 or more staff to participate in the training can schedule a class at their own location, while fewer individuals may attend community classes.  Learn More > 
IHS Calendar of Events

*For more information on the Walking Group, please call 607-776-9467 x229.

  • Friday, November 2 - Girls on the Run (GOTR) Coaches Training - IHS, Bath, NY
  • Friday, November 9 - GOTR Coaches Training - Community Room at Harris Hill Soaring Museum, Elmira, NY
  • Friday, November 16 - GOTR Coaches Training - Schuyler County Shared Services Building, Watkins Glen, NY
*Please call the Steuben Rural Health Network at 607-776-9467 x226 for more info

Other Events:
Award Nominations 
There are a few community awards looking for nominations right now. They are:

Become a Member!

If you aren't a nonprofit member of the Institute for Human Services, find out how we can help you accomplish your mission! Nonprofit Member Benefits  include a complimentary membership to the New York Council of Nonprofits annually!  Download the Nonprofit Member Application.  

Call IHS Member Services today for a one-on-one consultation  - 607-776-9467 x-226.  

Looking for Volunteers or Donations?   
2-1-1 HELPLINE's Give Help site allows you to post opportunities and in kind needs. Learn more >

IHS Websites

Join Our Mailing List  
Keep current with Provider Online emailed to you free each week. Sign up > 

Health Care Reform: Is Your Nonprofit Ready?

NYCON's insurance subsidiary Council Services Plus (CS Plus) offers info, resources and direct insurance assistance to nonprofits across NYS. CS Plus only works with nonprofits, and has brought over $1 million in savings to nonprofit clients. Visit for more info or e-mail.
Health Care Reform: Are You Prepared?
The United States Supreme Court largely upheld President Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act in a mixed decision. The court's ruling, seen as one of the most significant in decade, is a crucial milestone for the law, allowing almost all of its far-reaching changes to roll forward. The decision did significantly restrict one major portion of the law: the expansion of Medicaid, the government health-insurance program for low-income and sick people. The ruling gives states more flexibility not to expand their Medicaid programs, without paying the same financial penalties that the law called for.
The legislation for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will impose significant new responsibilities on employers, some of which are already effective. While further guidance is expected on the application of these requirements, the following provides a summary and timeline of key provisions of the PPACA. As employers look ahead to the implementation of the PPACA, CS Plus will be providing additional updates to provide clients with compliance strategies in connection with various components of the new law.
Summary of the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (umbrella term for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) was passed by Congress in March 2010 to overhaul the health care system, expand affordable coverage, change insurance rules and create an online marketplace (exchange) in each state for the individual and small group markets.

Most U.S. citizens and legal residents will be required to have health insurance in 2014. Those without coverage would pay a tax penalty based on household income to be phased-in starting in 2014. Federal subsidies will be available to assist those who cannot afford to purchase coverage.

Large employers (50 or more full-time employees) will be required to "pay or play" starting in 2014.

Qualifying small employers (no more than 25 employees) are eligible for a tax credit for offering coverage beginning in 2010. The tax credit increases in 2014 if employers buy from the exchange, and then phases out in 2016.

How Health Reform will Impact Businesses
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) impacts businesses in several ways - from the types of benefits offered under insurance plans, to the ways employers conduct their businesses. Some provisions are already in effect and more will be implemented over the next several years.

General Impacts on Employer-Provided Coverage
There are several mandates from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) already in effect. View the Timeline below for more information on timing of provisions.

Some of the key mandates are below.
Grandfathering - "Grandfathering" allowed some plans to be exempt from some Health Care Reform provisions.
Lifetime Limits and Annual Limits - Law prohibits imposing annual limits on Essential Health Benefits and any lifetime dollar limits.
Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Reporting - A Medical Loss Ratio or MLR is the percentage of premium dollars insurers spend to provide covered medical services and improve the quality of health care for their members.
No Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusions - As of September 2010 there are no pre-existing exclusions for children under age 19. Beginning in 2014, this provision applies to everyone, including adults.
Patient-centered Outcomes Research Fee - The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Tax, also known as the Comparative Effectiveness Research Fee, is a fee paid to the government to fund Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) research.
Preventive Services - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) requires health plans to cover designated preventive services without any member cost sharing.
Summary of Benefits Coverage - The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury recently issued final regulations requiring health plans to provide a SBC and Uniform Glossary that clearly explain benefits and coverage within a standardized template with uniform language.
W-2 reporting - PPACA contains a requirement for employers to report the cost of health coverage under an employer sponsored group health plan on an employees W-2 form. The cost includes both the cost paid by the employer and contributions from the employee.
Women's Preventive Services - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires health plans to cover designated women's preventive services without cost sharing for the member. Cost-sharing includes deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. Some of the benefits and services outlined in the women's preventive guidelines are already included within the existing PPACA preventive services requirements.
Establishment of Health Insurance Exchanges
On April 12, 2012 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo issued an Executive Order to establish a statewide Health Exchange. State-established health insurance exchanges must begin to operate on January 1, 2014. The Exchanges are virtual marketplaces that allow individuals and eligible employers to purchase health insurance. Initially in 2014, only employers with up to100 employees can purchase insurance for their employees through the Exchange. Prior to 2016, states can limit the size to businesses with up to 50 employees. Beginning in 2017, states can allow employers with more than 100 employees to purchase health insurance for their employees through the Exchange.

How Does Health Care Reform Affect Small Businesses?
In addition to the key provisions outlined, it's important to know that small businesses already have an opportunity to qualify for:
Small business tax credits - In an effort to help small employers offer affordable coverage to their employees, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides for tax credits for qualified small employers. These credits began in 2010. The credits increase in 2014, but are only available for coverage purchased on an Exchange. The small group tax credit sunsets in 2016.

It will take several years for changes to be enacted and regulations written. However it's important to begin to understand what will be happening in the near future versus long term changes.
HC Reform Timeline
To view a larger image of the timeline, CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact Anthony DeCicco, Account Executive, Group Benefits at;
or by phone at (877) 501-4277, ext 123.